Saturday, December 18, 2010

Twas the Week Before Christmas

It is the week before Christmas.  We have our Christmas Tree, potted, in the house, which later will be planted n the backyard.  It is decorated with lights, bulbs, and when I remember, fresh flowers that fall from the trees every morning.  This evergreen, which comes from the mountain farms in Java is somewhat of an anomoly down in these areas, and I am told the survival rate is not good.  But it is beginning to feel a little like Christmas and it brings us cheer.  We all hope it will survive and thrive. 
Miles has finished up this semester at school and starts his winter break beginning the third week of December.  He looks forward to four weeks (yes thats right 4- primarly because he starts school in the summer in mid July after only a four week break) of TV (yes we actually have one here) and fun.  But I have already set in gear my agenda for him which already includes some private Bahasa Indonesian lessons, trumpet lessons, math drills and oh yes, trips to the mountains and jungles of Java and Sumatra.  We hope to see orangutans, lots of monkeys, bats, snakes (from a good distance) and many old villages and temples.  We recently purchased a new camera, a true digital SLR, which I hope will spur us all to take more photos to share with you, and which hopefully will allow me to take something other than a blurry fog with these old hands.
There is much more to say, but it is a Saturday afternoon here.  It is a beautiful hot sunny day in December(oh do you Northern Hemisphere people even remember what such a day as this is like?), and so the pool beckons.
We will post again soon.

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